Detail Company is a contemporary movement company that focusses on the different components of an entirety .

As a platform collective Detail Company connects and supports different circus artists.


Detail Company was founded by Margot Jansens in a call for more collective structures without giving up the individual artistic vision. Detail Company is a home for several circus artist that provides a safe but incentive environment. The company is currently at the start of its development and is in dialogue with several artists.

Connected Artists

- Margot Jansens
Margot studied Stage Techniques at RITCS (Royal Institute of Theatre, Cinema and Sound). There, she developed into a lighting designer and production manager. Afterwards she studied Theatre and Media Art at UGent. She completed her studies with the thesis Acrobatics: A Conversation Between Acrobatic Aesthetics and Bodily Awareness.
After a semester at DOCH, master Contemporary Circus Practices, she founded the circus company Gedachtegang together with Jakobe Geens and created two performances: Distort The Body and Bare Body. During this period she was also involved as a dramaturg and assistent director in the oeuvre of Hendrik Van Maele, Bert Vandenberghe, Manon Verplancke en Maria Madeira.

- Maria Madeira

Maria Madeira is a multitalented artist and works mainly as a dance acrobat. She finished her bachelor in circus arts at Acapa in 2020 and has been active in the field by participating in several performances: What’s left by Overhead Company, Softies by Hanna Mampuys/fABULEUS, 13 Harbinger Road by Hendrik Van Maele/TENT, Chaim by There There Company and Tickled Pink by Margot Jansens/ Detail Company.
Maria is fascinated by the power of details within performances and how they can impact movement and emotion. Besides being busy performing she has a varied movement/body practice passing through dance, roller skating and she has been part of a choir and using the voice in different projects - she lets these practices influence how she thinks, creates and approaches her work - making her a versatile artist. She has been part of Detail Company since 2023, with whom she will create her first performance Cracks in the wood (2025).

- Manon Verplancke

Manon Verplancke has been exploring physical movement since childhood, first with gymnastics, then with circus. She graduated from Codarts Circus Arts in 2021 as a partner acrobat and made her debut with Cold feet. She has worked with Tall Tales Company, Side Show and participates in researchproject by Marta and Kim.

She is interested in the liberation that circus provides for her. Besides her interest in movement and circus Manon is fascinated by eye of the camera and how it changes your perspective to the world around you.

Upcoming projects

Tickled Pink (2024)- Margot Jansens

Tickled Pink is a research and performance with 6 acrobats where following questions are asked:

How can the spectacular, with sublime elements, as an artistic and impactful method be appropriated again by circus, specifically acrobatics? What is spectacular? What is sublime?

What can a re-appropriated spectacular acrobatics bring about in the spectator? How can we guide this impact towards a connecting, euphoric experience with sublime veil? But also, what could be the downside of this reappraisal of the spectacular: the hyper-sexualized performative body, the fetishization of skill or the relapse into a purely entertaining action?

Cracks in the wood (2025) - Maria Madeira

The project Cracks in the Wood exists out of two parts - a performance and a concert.

In the performance Cracks in the Wood Maria Madeira creates a retrospective of her history in movement. She draws upon her the repertoire of her own body and what her body remembers. Key components are tapdance, ballet and acrobatics as she was schooled in all three. While looking at her moving portrait traces of musicality, violence and control reverberate. 

In Cracks the Concert, Maria Madeira collaborates with Thijs Van Scharen around the pure musicality of tapdance in conversation with drums. As the title suggests it will be an experimental concert combining tap dancing, drumming, voice and percussion among other elements. This concert will be played/performed in duo by Maria and Thijs Van Scharen, and it will be played both in connection to Cracks in the Wood but as well in other contexts more connected to music.

The Plexiglass project (2027) - Manon Verplancke

That is the current draft name of a new show which will be premiering in 2027. It is a 1 hour show performed by two close friends being Jose Alvarez and Manon Verplancke. Both of them are specialized in different circus techniques but in this show the main focus will be handstands and acrobatics. Not only that, for the audience the viewpoint of the show will be completely different. As the audience will be watching from underneath the stage, through a see-through stage made out of plexi glas.

The goal of the show is to play with the idea of different point of views and angles and research how a different angle of audience and performer influences eachother. By this we hope we can break the wall between audience and artist.

Write us an email or message us on instagram.

For bookings contact:

Je Buro - Klaartje Brouns

+32 486 23 63 93

If all else fails, you can call us:

+32 496 18 23 69
